Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Our Pain

Sometimes, works can be something really vapid. You will probably stay at office from 9 to 5, burry your head with a stack of documents, yet the end of day you might not know what exactly you have done.

Recently, my beloved Celta peers and i had shared our pains in works, here it goes:

Limpe: I m forcing myself to understand code and fix ppl’s code.. -______________________-" the pain of programmer…

Limpek : I m forcing myself to understand operations and fix ppl’s problem.. -_______________"" the pain of internal auditor…

Hamster: I m forcing myself to understand processes and fix ppl’s issue.. -_______________-"" the pain of system analyst…

Ziat: I m forcing myself to understand processes and fix EQUIPMENT issue.. -_______________-"" the pain of EI Developer.....

Khai Khai: I m forcing myself to force other to understand my pain as a programmer.. -_______________-"" the pain of Software Engineer in Engineering world.....

Chua: "I'm forcing myself to to come out with a best design from a problem that given my a non-literate IT ppl. -____________-" the pain of working with IT idiot

Ngen: I m forcing myself to be understand by bunch of inferior persons -______________-"" the pain of a neglected person

So my friends, what's your pain in the works?


Blogger MiaMi said...

learn from me hior? i posted exactly the same thg b4 u!

2:38 AM  

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